Couple therapy的结束

七月中旬开始了couple therapy,每个session我都很喜欢。我喜欢therapy,我喜欢dive deep into the emotions。我也喜欢therapist去提问,去分析我和老公之间的关系。

然而其实很快,两、三个session的couple therapy,我和老公之间的关系走向就很清楚了:separation其实很清晰;老公也在几个session之内梳理清楚然后做了他自己的决定。剩下的一些session是在处理由这个separation给我带来的情绪。我有很多sadness,fear,denial。可能在理性上我是无比清晰和老公分手对我来说是一个正确的决定,但是在感情上我仍旧有很多需要去process。我不愿意去相信我和老公之间就真的“完了”;我很想知道到底所有的一切是为什么,是怎么发生的,是怎么走到这一步的;我害怕离婚,我知道老公虽然在很多方面都没有满足我,但是老公至少没有坏心思,在经济上也算是不错也支持我,而离婚面临的是我完完全全的一个人在美国,而我不知道我会遇到怎样的人,会不会遇到更糟糕的人。还有我自己不断的犹豫徘徊不知道我到底该不该离婚。

Couple therapist和我的individual therapist都在同时帮助我process整个过程。而这个couple therapist是唯一一个对我和老公之间的dynamics有了解的人。我记下了好多次他在和我们交流中给我的defense,而有些defense是在老公和我argue的时候我感到helpless而无力去给自己defend的话。我也记下了好多couple therapist让我感到的被理解,尤其是“It could be hard for American women to decide to leave a marriage, and it could be even harder for you given you are Chinese. (cultural reasons)”。当我对离婚、对“外面的世界”感到害怕的时候,他hold了我,然后还鼓励我去用dating app,鼓励我去explore monogamy/non-monogamy again,鼓励我去explore sexuality。还有在我们三个人来来回回的对话里,couple therapist帮助我梳理的我对我想要的感情的描述,我对sex的理解和描述。


原本我以为这些支持和感激就意味着couple session的结束了,因为我和老公之间已经没有什么去work on了。然而我和我individual therapist的一个讨论让我又在couple therapy里linger了一个月:我的individual therapist指出了我对couple therapist感到的attraction。

这或许是被压抑在我潜意识的想法和感情,然而一旦被brought into awareness,又是很大的冲击。我不得不去面对好几个瞬间当我在couple therapy session对咨询师产生的仰慕之情。他明显比我大许多,可能和我博士老板差不多大;他留着齐肩的长发——有一个session我看着他对老公提问的时候用手把长发捋过额头,那个瞬间我感到了被他吸引;他的提问,他说的话,还有我从他的twitter账号里看到的他,一个喜欢阅读、思考的咨询师——我从他的twitter post里找到了好几本我也感兴趣的书和他尊敬推荐的比较有名的咨询师的著作/视频。

我一边感受着对咨询师的吸引,一边觉得激动,因为我知道这就是精神分析很普遍的transference。我也知道我对老板的感情很多都是transference,而老板从来不是一个safe person,现在终于终于我对一个咨询师产生感情了,这是一个多么好的机会能够帮助我work through我的问题。我一年前就是想要找一个男性咨询师去体验这些,但是那个经历并不顺利,所以我就再没有找男性咨询师了。现在终于有一个男性咨询师让我感觉很好了,我非常兴奋。

Therapy是一个no where to hide的地方。既然我发现了这些想法/感情,我觉得我需要去talk about them。但是怎么说,我觉得好难。我挣扎在我需要去说这些,但是表达这些又非常vulnerable非常难里。

在一个session里我终于告诉了他,即使是非常不直接的方式: 我:“My individual therapist asked me to share something with you. We have been talking about my fantasy of dating a therapist... Also I found that I like men with long hair.” 他:“Who are like these?” 我:“You.” 他显然没有想到我会告诉他这些。他说了therapist-client之间的relationship还有伦理约束,他说了讨论这些的risk。然后他要我向他表达更多。而我又无比清楚there is no point —— 因为就算我表达了,也不会有任何结果,而且任何结果都是不好的结果:他喜欢我,但是他是我的咨询师,有伦理规范在那里;他不喜欢我,是对我的拒绝。所以我也并不想去表达。 就在那个session里,他仍旧想去鼓励我去talk,他说了一句”What about it?” 薄薄的嘴唇吐了这些词之后,他在那里注视着我。我感受着他目光的凝视,一阵羞涩和尴尬,不敢和他目光对视。沉默,沉默着。沉默中我又感到了一种平静、被关注和安全。接着又是一阵悲伤和眼泪涌来,我顿了顿告诉他说,即使是这样安静的坐着沉默不说话也很美好,这种美好让我感到悲伤。咨询师则把这份感情转到了我对我父亲的感情上——从小就是遥远地相望,因为遥远不可得而感到的悲伤;而这也奠定了我成年的感情关系找的人、依恋的人都是emotionally unavailable的。

不管他怎么说,我想要更多的他;我不想要他做我的couple therapist,我不想每次和他说话都要和老公一起;我想要他做我的individual therapist。我想要他陪我成长,他已经见证了我和老公的婚姻状况,我还想要他去陪我走过我在“外面的世界”的探索,我想要他看到我在感情里挣扎、陪伴我、鼓励我,我想要他看到我“成功”去为我骄傲。

但是我又知道他是我的couple therapist,我见他需要和老公一起,因为这是couple treatment。我又得知他不能做我的individual therapist因为有rule约束。我也得知他并不愿意做我的individual therapist因为我已经有我自己的个人咨询师了,而且我和我个人咨询师之间的关系也不错。所以我和他的关系/缘分就止于couple therapy。而我和老公之间已经非常清晰,没有什么去work on了。所以ending就在眼前。


我甚至要老公多bring up一些问题,这样我们就能够有理由让couple therapy持续下去,这样我就能一直去见这个咨询师。这个motivation我也没有hide。

最后的最后,咨询师终于拍板了,说couple session要结束了。


I have been procrastinating thinking about this day —– the last day of the couple's session. But a few weeks ago, I have also played around with how this session would be like many times in my head. I care about relationship and I care about ending. I feel like I have so much to say to you and I am afraid of missing out any and there is no chance anymore; at the same time, my life is moving on and it has to keep going. All of these make this letter hard, a letter I have thought about many many times.

I looked back and I was surprised. One session you asked me if I take notes of what you said. I replied no I didn't. I think I meant that I didn't actively take notes in the session. But actually, I have journal entries for every session until the end of August.

It was kind of painful to look back and see where I was at a couple of months ago and to read those lines of intricate feelings I had at those times.

I told you before that I felt supported. I also felt grateful. I want to thank you for helping me and C on this process to figure things out. But more importantly, I thank you for holding the space for me. I will remember the time when you came to my defense seeing the challenges I had, while C didn't. I appreciate you pointing out the difficulty of deciding to leave a marriage. I feel supported because I know and noticed that you were helping me exploring the options, which is, I consider, what a therapist is supposed to do —– but that doesn't devalue the feelings I have.


I also want to say that you look cute last session with glasses on. I was distracted by the thought of it a lot last session and didn't feel comfortable saying it. But if I didn't, there might be no chance.

I like when you hold your pencil and put it on your chin. Maybe that's how you are like when you are thinking.

I like to watch you and C interact. I like to watch you do your work.

Lastly I wonder what relationship could be like between a therapist and a client after the session ends. If one day —— far down the road —— I become a therapist, can we become colleagues?

在读这封信的时候,我注意着咨询师的表情和反应。我看到他在我说”One session you asked me if I take notes of what you said”时的浅笑,我看到他在我说“which is, I consider, what a therapist is supposed to do”时略微的点头,我看到他在我说“you look cute last session”时露出的笑容。

直到我读完信,他才说话。而我也一直记得他说的话。”It's very touching.” “It's very impressive that you committed those words into paper, and in front of C.” 然后他也回应了我信里说的内容,他笑着说”I am not wearing glasses today”,还有他把手中的铅笔放到摄像头前说”Here is my pencil.” 他回应了我。

他回答了我最后一个问题,向我描述了一些他和他的咨询师client的关系,以及他和他therapist的关系。他给了我一个模糊的答案,说far down the road当那时候到来的时候我们可以去讨论我们的关系。我觉得这个答案很合理。


最后的最后,还有三分钟结束,他把话题从老公转向了我,问how are you doing。我有很多悲伤,忍着伤感问他最后有什么想要对我说的。他说他想要我有更多curiosity去探索我自己为什么想要做咨询师。

这个session结束我躺在沙发上一边流泪一边不断play back所有的细节。我在头脑里一遍又一遍播放着他露出的那个笑容当听到我在一个深呼吸后说的“I also want to say that... you look cute last session”。那个笑容,是我想要去hold on的。我从来就很难当面向一个人表达我的感情,而这个表达的我被接受、被enjoy、被appriciated的感受,是我极少极少经历的。而这,或许是另外一个/最后一个咨询师给我带来的emotional上的经历/成长。从此以后,他都将活在我的心里了。

#Personal #SelfExploration

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