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全球已有51个国家和地区实施加密货币禁令 绝对禁令是指那些将加密货币定为非法的禁令。目前已公布绝对禁令的国家和地区包括:阿尔及利亚、孟加拉国、中国、埃及、伊拉克、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、卡塔尔和突尼斯。



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Quarterly monitoring by the Oversight Board has shown no cause for concern in the number of staff and their skills. Staffing at HCSEC has seen 6 resignations over the course of the year, with manning levels reduced to, at the lowest point, 34. The final headcount for end of year is 39, against a budget of 40+2 (the +2 to allow flexibility for increased BEP work). However, productivity gains achieved over the previous period allowed HCSEC to maintain the evaluation programme while taking on unplanned additional workload – analysing binary equivalence and software engineering and cyber security quality at the request of NCSC.

  • Network-centric defenses build a security moat
  • Data-centric defenses secure the treasure in the castle