[Crash Course] Psychology VII& VIII Perceiving is believing/ Consciousness
Our perception, or how we order the cacophonus chaos of our environment is heavily influenced, biased even, by our expectations, experiences, moods, and even cultural norms. And we can be pretty good at fooling ourselves. Our perception is the process that allows us to make meaning out of our senses and experience the world around us.
What we see is the realm of the mind, not the eye.
Perceptual set is affected by: -Expectation. Your expectations are just one factor in your perceptual set: the psychological factors that determine how you perceive your environment. Sometimes, seeing is believing, but perceptual set theory teaches us that believing is also seeing. -Context. Context is another factor in your perceputal set. If the duck bunny thing was pictured with Easter eggs all around it, you'd think bunny right away, considering that of ducks and bunnies, one is actually much more to be near an egg. -Culture. -Emotions and motives. People will say a hill is more steep if they're listening to emo by themselves than if they're listening to power-walk and walking with a friend.
Most of the time, your perceptual set leads you to reasonable conclusions, but sets can also be misleading or even harmful.
Form perception: dig a neat little dynamic called the “Figure ground relationship”, which is the organisation of the visual field into objects (the figures) that stand out from their surrounding (the ground). [perceive something meaningful to you]
Rules of grouping: like organising things by (1)proximity, (2)continuity, or (3)closure.
Depth perception: the ability to see objects in three dimensions although images that strike the retina are two-dimensional. Depth perception is what helps us estimate an object's distance and full shape an object's distance and full shape. In this process, you may use functions as follows: -Binocular cues: depth cues, such as retinal disparity, that depend on the use of two eyes. [require to use both eyes, retinal disparity] -monocular cues: depth cues, such as interposition and linear perceptive, available to either eye alone.
Motion perception: to infer speed and direction of a moving object, like, shrinking objects are retreating, and enlarging objects are approaching.
Constancy: consistency, allows us to continue to recognise an object.
Your brain constructs your perceptions.
Consciousness: [a loosey definition] our awareness of ourselves and our environment. It's this awareness that allows us to take in and organise information from many sources and senses, at once.
Selective attention: the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus or group of stimuli.
Selective inattention
Inattentional blindness: when your full attention is directed elsewhere, you'd be astounded by the scope of obvious things you fail to notice.
Change blindness: psychological phenomenon in which we fail to notice changes in our environment.