[Crash Course] Psychology XXX& XXXI Mood Disorders & Trauma/Addiction Mania: a mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state.

Emotional states that are even more subjective and harder to define than emotions themselves.

Emotions: joy, contempt, surprise, shame, sadness, fear, anger, guilt, dsgust, excitement.

Moods (long-term emotional states rather than discreet, fleeting feelings): good moods, bad moods.

Mood disorders: characterised by emotional extremes and challenges in regulating mood (tend to be longer-term disturbance). -Depressive disorders: typified by prolonged hopelessness and lethargy. -Bipolar disorders: the most prominent in which involve alternating between depression and mania. -Depression: the common cold of psychological disorders. Common, pervasive, and it's the top reason people seek out mental health help. -Mania

Post Traumatic Stress Order (PTSD): shellshock. A psychological disorder generated by either witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD patients may also experience numbing, or periods of feeling emotionless or emotionally 'flat' and dissociation. -reliving the event, through intrusive memories, nightmares, or flashbacks. -avoiding situations you associated with the event -excessive physiological arousal, heart ponding, muscle tension, anxiety or irritability, and major problems sleeping or concentrating. -pervasive negative changes in emotion and beliefs, like feelings of shame, guilt or no longer getting enjoyment out of what you used to.

Fear conditioning, or the unshakable memory of being in mortal danger, and the learned responses that stem from that memory.

PTSD shares some similarities with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is psychological disorders characterised by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviours that reduce anxiety.

Post-traumatic growth: the positive psychological changes resulting from the struggle with challenging circumstances and life crises.

Addiction/ Dependence: compulsive, excessive, and difficult-to-control substance use or other, initially pleasurable behaviour that begins to interfere with ordinary life, work, health, or relationships.

Physical dependence: a physioligical need for a drug, that reveals itself through unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if the use stops or reduces.

Psychological dependence: a psychological need to use a drug, or complete an activity to relieve negative emotions.