
As a result of some irrational behaviour of some of Xiao Zhan's fans, now we can't use AO3 smoothly in China. They ignored the community rules, went to some articles pages which they don't like, and then report the site. This caused the site been banned.

2020年2月29日,同人小说数据库网站achieve of our own因肖战的粉丝们大量举报而被禁止在中国大陆访问。 这种行径是对“创作自由”的无理践踏,无论是举报者还是禁止此网站的机构。

On February 29,2020, the fan fiction database website “achieve of our own” was banned from mainland China after numerous reports from fans of Xiao Zhan. This is an unjustifiable violation of “creative freedom”, both whistle-blowers and the organizations that banned the site.

Still, some of them keep lying on the internet, say “Xiao Zhan performed in a drama which has some LGBT characters, then been cyber-bullying by some netizens, or persecuted by the government”.

About some foreign netizens asked, “is Xiao Zhan died of the virus?” Not yet.

2020-03-03, from China

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