
Helene Hanff


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作者:Helene Hanff/[美]海莲·汉芙 ISBN:9787544782029/9787544762885 出版社:草鹭/译林出版社 阅读时间:2021.3.20~4.5 编号:331/332






Being used to the dead-white paper and stiff cardboardy covers of American books,I never knew a book could be such a joy to the touch. (P5)

I do love secondhand books that open to the page some previous owner read oftenest. (P12)

We have none in stock at the moment but shall look out for one for you. (P19)

We have none in stock at the moment but shall look out for one for you. (P19) Ben Marks is trying to see what I'm writing, so shall have to close. (P29)

I don't know how to describe it to someone who has never seen it.…(P36) It's certainly good to know that someone so many miles away can be so kind and generous to people they haven't even seen. (P42)

It's dim inside, you smell the shop before you see it, it's a lovely smell, I can't articulate it easily, but it combines must and dust and age, and walls of wood and floors of wood. (P48)

It's against my principles to buy a book I haven't read, it's liked buying a dress you haven't try on…(P68)

I am enclosing a few snaps, Frank says none of them do him justice, he is much better-looking, but we just let him dream. (P76)

What a weird world we live in when so beautiful thing can be owned for life——for the price of a ticket to Broadway movie palace, or 1/50th the cost of having one tooth capped. (P78)

I only have three bookshelves and very few books left to throw out. (P83)

Why is it that people who wouldn't dream of stealing anything else think it's perfectly all right to steal books? (P95)

.…One more summer will bring us every American tourists but the one we want to see. (P114)

You see how it is, Frankie, you are the only soul alive who understands me. (P130)

The blessed man who sold me all my books died a few months ago. And Mr. Marks who owned the shop is dead. But Marks & Co. is still there. If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me? I owe it so much. (P149)