The Highland Falcon Thief

M.G. Leonard & Sam Sedgman


ISBN:9781529013061 作者:M.G. Leonard & Sam Sedgman
出版社: Macmillan Children's Books 出版时间:2020 阅读时间:2023.7.10~7.18 编号:497

The Highland Falcon Thief 是第一本我在还没有进行共读的时候,完成阅读的英文书,这种感觉还是挺不错的。

本书讲述的是小主人公Hal因为母亲待产,被舅舅接上了一辆名为Highland Falcon的列车,准备周游英国。本来觉得这次的旅程可能十分苦闷,但是出乎意料地有趣。不仅认识到新的朋友,还打开了一个新的世界。






We are lucky that we're nobodies. Nobodies have no formal duties.(p9)

-Do you know what would help your mom more than anything? -Me being out of the way. Hal looked at the floor. -No. You having a great holiday with me and coming back with stories to tell her while she recovers...What will make your mom happy is knowing that you're happy.(p10)

Hal have never seen an adult so in love with a train before, and he found himself smiling as his uncle enthusiastically spouted facts about it.(p11)

They keep me aware of the whole world——not just me in my own time and place. It's good to remember that there are other places on the planet, filled with wonderful people. I like to consider what they might be doing-are they rising with the rosy-fingered dawn, while I am gazing at the stars?(p28)

It's hard to have an adventure with a smart phone in your pocket. It stops you from reaing real maps and talking to people. I don't want to stare at a screen. I want to look at the landscape. I want to see the world.(p29)

The Highland Falcon blew her whistle, and Hal felt a thrill as the train rocketed across the high bridge, the water shimmering far below. In the distance, the river became the sea, rolling out to meet a bright blue sky. (p48)

It's tough being the eldest. You get ignored. You have to sharing everything, and you're always told you're got to set an example.(p64)

The railways changed society in different ways, but in particular, how we measure and record time. ... My books are stories of travel, but they are also about how railways have changed the world.(p90)

Often the best place to hide something is in full view.(p170)

Only four days had passed since he'd climbed aboard, but the Highland Falcon felt like an old friend, and he was sad to say goodbye.(p257)