
最近在读Angela Chen的Ace这本书,里面有一章专门讲的是恋爱关系对于性的期待,以及无性恋因为这种约定俗成的期待无法拒绝性的痛苦。真的是……感同身受。



Angela Chen在书里说,大众对于consent(性同意)的讨论其实都基于一个错误的预设:

sex with strangers is never necessary, but sex in relationships is a requirement. [1]


So coercion looks like being told that you would have sex if you really loved someone. It feels like being afraid to see your partner because you don't want to keep denying them sex. It feels like, as activist Queenie of Aces writes, making a list of all the reasons you shouldn't have sex now (not old enough, haven't been dating long enough, birth control access could be a problem) but never knowing that the real reason—that you don't want to is the only one you need. It feels like wishing that you were religious so you could at least use religious celibacy as an excuse. It feels like being hurt by having to have sex and learning that you shouldn't have had to have it because there's nothing wrong with not wanting sex ever—and looking back and revoking consent, in your own mind if nowhere else. Guilt and shame and anger: Shame at saying yes, anger at not knowing you didn't have to say yes, shame at not standing your ground and saying no, anger at partners for not telling you to say no, guilt at being angry because no one knew better. [2]


[1] [2] 都来自于Angela Chen的Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex这本书,137-138页。