

Dan Gemeinhart


ISBN:9780545665742 作者: Dan Gemeinhart 出版社: Scholastic Press 出版时间:2015-1 阅读时间:2023.6.1-6.9 编号:492



一路上,他碰到了各种危险和困难——第一天晚上就被打劫,还被小流氓们弄得满身伤痕;好不容易脱离,却一不小心掉进冰冷的河里;混上了上山的大巴,不久后就被司机揪出……万幸的是,身边还有一条忠诚的狗狗,陪他度过各种险境,也庆幸在路上除了磨难,还有难得的善意,只是当时满腔愤怒和绝望的小孩,对这些善意并不接受,他只想要上山。 最终上山了,恶劣的环境不断地消磨小孩的生命力,他和狗狗的生命危在旦夕。


整个故事,萦绕在我脑海中的一句话是“向死而生”,男孩是因为找不到生存下去的意义选择了这么一条死亡的道路,但是最终在巍峨的山面前,他说出了这句话“I don't want to die, not here”。只有经历这一切,靠近死亡,接纳死亡,才能更好地理解生命,热爱生命吧。

The Honest Truth是我这一段时间看得最为顺畅的一本原版书了,毕竟这是一本面向9-12岁孩子的书哈哈,不过阅读体验还是很棒的,期待下一本。

#打卡记录 The honest truth

Dan Gemeinhart

#20230601 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p1-16 实际阅读:p1-35 难忘的表述: 1. The biggest walk of all. That's the truth.(p3) 2. Here's what I don't get: why anybody would want to carry something around that reminds you that your life is running out.(p5) 3. Beau's love somehow stirred up all my sunken sadness. I bit my lip and looked out the window into darkness and tried to remember the last time I'd been happy.(p19) 4. We were running through the sprinkler. All the world was green grass and blue sky and shoulders hot with sunshine. We didn't have to have a reason to laugh.(p19) 5. That's the kind of friend she was. We were so together that we weren't even really apart.(p21) 6. People can be blind. That's the truth.(p26) 7. Life sucks. That's the truth. Here's waht I don't get: Why does everyone try to pretend that it doesn't?(p27)


#20230602 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p36-50 实际阅读:p36-59 难忘的表述: 1. He was on a dark street in a strange city far from his home. And he was worried only about me. He was my hero.(p46) 2. She could feel him, she thought. That was the kind of friendship they had. She could feel his hurt.(p51) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230603 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p60-75 实际阅读:p60-90 难忘的表述: 1. Sure, I was all alone. But I had Beau with me. And one Beau was worth more than a whole world full of alone.(p65) 2. Sometimes crying is easier when someone is crying with you. But sometimes that only makes it worse.(p70) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230604 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p91-105 实际阅读:p91-120 难忘的表述: 1. Little kids are dumb. They'll just say whatever stupid thing comes into their head, no matter how true it is. No matter how sad it'll make someone's mom.(p98) 2. He's not afraid of anything. She continued. Not worrying about anything. Just living his life, for now. Just happy being here now, with you. He's a good dog. 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230605 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p121-140 实际阅读:p121-146 难忘的表述: 1. Ahead, where the black road twisted out of sight between black trees and gray sky, was the mountain. I still couldn't see it, but I could feel it more than ever. Like it was watching me. Like it was waiting for me.(p130) 2. Everybody oughta have a dog.… Dogs teach you love and kindness. They remind you what's important.(p141) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230606 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p147-160 实际阅读:p147-162 难忘的表述: 1. And hospital suck. And treatments suck. And friends watching you be sick sucks. And watching your parents cry sucks. So maybe he just wants to climb a mountain and disappear.(p151) 2. Sometimes even the right answers sound wrong if you don't like the question. That's the truth.(p151) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230607 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p163-180 实际阅读:p163-183 难忘的表述: 1. It didn't matter that he was a boy and she was a girl. It just mattered that they were friends. Best friends.(p170) 2. The higher you go in the world, the harder it gets to breathe. That's the truth.(p177) 提交人:一只桃纸


#20230609 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p184-200 实际阅读:p184-已读完 难忘的表述: 1. Not alone. Beau was beside me, of course. And the mountain was before me. Whithe and shining, painted impossibly bright by the moonlight. Shocking, unmovable white against the black of the sky and the storm and the darkness.(p212) 2. It was weird how something could look so close and so far away at the same time. Like I could reach out and touch it, but I could walk all day and night and never get there.(p212) 3. “I don't want to die,” I said. I looked down at Beau and talked through my tears. “I don't want to die, Beau. Not here.”(p213) 感想:小男孩想要终结这一切让他痛苦的事物,他太累了,于是决定逃离这一切,于是决定给自己找好生命终结的地点,但整篇文一直萦绕在我脑海里的一句话是:“向死而生”,生死是一个环,当不惧怕死亡,才找到生命的本质吧。 提交人:一只桃纸