

Virginia Woolf


ISBN:9781119751359 作者:Virginia Woolf 出版社: Capstone 出版时间:2021 阅读时间:2023.4.1~4.20 编号:486

终于读完了,这本书是参加共读以来最难阅读的英文书,靠着中文译本终于磕磕巴巴地把英文看下来了哈哈哈。 书里提到的很多对女性本身,对女性写作的偏见到现在还是存在,在艰难的社会中生存的女性更为艰难。随着女性意识的觉醒,平权意识的觉醒,千鹤子所说的“弱者也能得到平等对待的社会”,会来吗?



预计阅读:p1-13 实际阅读:引言 难忘的表述: 1. Woolf’s essay proceeds to explain: the ‘room’ is not a minor detail, but foundational for women’s financial and social independence, and essential for the female writer.(vii) 2. Woolf’s observation of women as a kind of underclass, in which their work is not recompensed at the same rate as work by men, still holds relevance in relation to today’s gender pay gaps…(ix) 3. Under this social structure, men occupied the public sphere while women were confined to the private. They were expected to serve the interests of their home and family rather than their individual needs or desires. (xi) 4. The room and the money are the ideal, we come to see, but even without them the woman writer has a duty to write, think, and work, in anticipation of a future for her daughters to come.(xxi)

感想:开始阅读啦,引言部分也挺难啃的。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230402打卡 预计阅读:p1-13 实际阅读:p1-9 难忘的表述: 1. A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.(p4) 2. At any rate, when a subject is highly controversial – and any question about sex is that – one cannot hope to tell the truth.(p4) 3. Lies will flow from my lips, but there may perhaps be some truth mixed up with them; it is for you to seek out this truth and to decide whether any part of it is worth keeping.(p5) 4. …because of that wild flash of imagination, that lightning crack of genius in the middle of them which leaves hem flawed and imperfect, but starred with poetry.(p8)

感想:我错了,正文也不简单哈哈哈,不过好多句子好美呀。“女性与文学”联想到“一件自己的房间”,也是牛的。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230403打卡 预计阅读:p9-15 实际阅读:p9-14 难忘的表述: No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.(p14)


#20230404打卡 预计阅读:p15-20 实际阅读:p15-25 难忘的表述: 1. Certainly it was a shock to see the faces of our rulers in the light of the shell-fire.(p19) 2. Fiction must stick to facts, and the truer the facts the better the fiction – so we are told.(p20) 3. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.(p24) 4. The best course, unless the whole talk was to be distorted, was to expose what was in my mind to the air…(p25)


#20230405打卡 预计阅读:p26-36 实际阅读:p26-33 难忘的表述: 1. People say, too, that human nature takes its shape in the years between one and five.(p29) 2. … Thinking of the safety and prosperity of the one sex and of the poverty and insecurity of the other and of the effect of tradition, and of the lack of tradition upon the mind of a writer…(p32) 3. One seemed alone with an inscrutable society.(p32)


#20230406打卡 预计阅读:34-40 实际阅读:34-42 难忘的表述: one must strain off what was personal and accidental in all these impressions and so reach the pure fluid, the essential oil of truth.(p37) 提交人:一只桃纸


#20230407打卡 预计阅读:43-53 实际阅读:43-52 难忘的表述: 1. Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.(p46) 2. They had been written in the ted light of emotion and not in the white light of truth.(p47) 3. The most transient visitor to this planet, I thought, who picked up this paper could not fail to be aware, even from this scattered testimony, that England is under the rule of a patriarchy.(p48) 4. Without self-confidence we are as babes in the cradle. And how can we generate this imponderable quality, which is yet so invaluable, most quickly? By thinking that other people are inferior to oneself. By feeling that one has some innate superiority – it may be wealth, or rank, a straight nose, or the portrait of a grandfather by Romney…(p50) 5. Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.(p51) 感想:要证明自己优秀,“快速而有效”的方式,就是打压他人。在父权社会中,男性通过打压和贬低女性获得男性的天然优越感和自信。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230408打卡 预计阅读:53-60 实际阅读:53-56 难忘的表述: 1. There was another ten-shilling note in my purse; I noticed it, because it is a fact that still takes my breath away the power of my purse to breed ten-shilling notes automatically.(p53)(哈哈,我也想要有自动生钱的钱包) 2. To begin with, always to be doing work that one did not wish to do, and to do it like a slave, flattering and fawning, not always necessarily perhaps, but it seemed necessary and the stakes were too great to run risks;(p54)(刚开始工作如奴隶一般…) 3. Indeed my aunt’s legacy unveiled the sky to me, and substituted for the large and imposing figure of a gentleman, which Milton recommended for my perpetual adoration, a view of the open sky.(p56)(有钱可自立,不需依靠他人,天地更广阔) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230409打卡 预计阅读:57-67 实际阅读:57-66 难忘的表述: 1. Even if one could state the value of any one gift at the moment, those values will change; in a century’s time very possibly they will have changed completely.(p58) 2. fiction is like a spider’s wed, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners.(p61) 3. Imaginatively she is of the highest importance; practically she is completely insignificant.(p64) 4. But by no possible means could middle-class women with nothing but brains and character at their command have taken part in any one of the great movements which, brought together, constitute the historian’s view of the past.(p66) 感想:女性在历史中的缺席证明了女性地位的低下。荒谬的是,在虚构的文学、戏剧作品之中,女性足以和男性平起平坐,而现实却远远不是这样的。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230410打卡 预计阅读:68-78 实际阅读:68-75 难忘的表述: 1. It would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare.(p68) 2. She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was. But she was not sent to school. She had no chance of learning grammar and logic…(p69) 3. How, then, could it have been born among women whose work began, according to Professor Trevelyan, almost before they were out of the nursery, who were forced to it by their parents and held to it by all the power of law and custom?(p71)(没有公平的受教育机会,又怎能诞生好作家呢) 4. …for chastity may be a fetish invented by certain societies for unknown reasons – but were none the less inevitable. Chastity had then, it has even now, a religious importance in woman’s life, and has so wrapped itself round with nerves and instincts that to cut it free and bring it to the light of day demands courage of the rarest.(p73)(贞洁思想害人不浅,是男性、宗教控制女性的手段之一) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230411打卡 预计阅读:76-80 实际阅读:76-78 难忘的表述: 1. The wold did not say to her as it said to them…(p76) 2. And happily in this age of biography the tow pictures often do complete each other, so that we are able to interpret the opinions of great men not only by what they say, but by what they do.(p78) 3. …there was an enormous body of masculine opinion to the effect that nothing could be expected of women intellectually.(p78) 感想:受到不同等的对待,资源的严重倾斜下,女性的发展不如男性是当然的。以此得出女性不如男性的结论,可能就是这些男性的妄想吧。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230412打卡 预计阅读:79-89 实际阅读:79-83 难忘的表述: 1. There would always have been that assertion – you cannot do this, you are incapable of doing that – to protest against, to overcome.(p79) 2. So accurately does history repeat itself.(p79) 3. Unfortunately, it is precisely the men or women of genius who mind most what is said of them.(p81) 4. …because the mind of an artist, in order to achieve the prodigious effort of freeing whole and entire the work that is in him, must be incandescent, like Shakespeare’s mind…(p82) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230413打卡 预计阅读:84-93 实际阅读:84-91 难忘的表述: 1. One would expect to find a lady of title meeting with far greater encouragement than an unknown Miss Austen or a Miss Brontë at that time would have met with.(p87) 2. It was a thousand pities that the woman who could write like that, whose mind was tuned to nature and reflection, should have been forced to anger and bitterness.(p90) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230414打卡 预计阅读:92-100 实际阅读:92-99 难忘的表述: 1. She made, by working very hard, enough to live on. The importance of that fact outweighs anything that she actually wrote…(p95) 2. Money dignifies what is frivolous if unpaid for.(p96) 3. For masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.(p97) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230415打卡 预计阅读:100-110 实际阅读:100-104 难忘的表述: 1. At any rate, one would not have been ashamed to have been caught in the act of writing Pride and Prejudice.(p100) 2. …but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do;(p102) 3. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.(p103)


#20230416打卡 预计阅读:105-115 实际阅读:105-116 难忘的表述: 1. What one means by integrity, in the case of the novelist, is the conviction that he gives one that this is the truth.(p106) 2. They(Jane Austen&Emily Brontë) wrote as women write, not as men write. Of all the thousand women who wrote novels then, they alone entirely ignored the perpetual admonitions of the eternal pedagogue – write this, think that.(p110) 3. Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt, that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.(p112) 4. I will only pause here one moment to draw your attention to the great part which must be played in that future so far as women are concerned by physical conditions.(p114)


#20230417打卡 预计阅读:117-127 实际阅读:117-125 难忘的表述: 1. Reading and criticism may have given her a wider range, a greater subtlety. The impulse towards autobiography may be spent. She may be beginning to use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression.(p119) 2. It was strange to think that all the great women of fiction were, until Jane Austen’s day, not only seen by the other sex, but seen only in relation to the other sex.(p123) 3. Even so it remains obvious, even in the writing of Proust, that a man is terribly hampered and partial in his knowledge of women, as a woman in her knowledge of men.(p124) 4. …if she has a room to herself…if she has five hundred a year of her own…then I think that something of great importance has happened.(p125)


#20230418 预计阅读:126-136 实际阅读:126-132 难忘的表述: 1. And I watched too, very curiously. For I wanted to see how Mary Carmichael set to work to catch those unrecorded gestures, those unsaid or half-said words, which form themselves, no more palpably than the shadows of moths on the ceiling, when women are alone, unlit by the capricious and colored light of the other sex.(p126) 2. There is no mark on the wall to measure the precise height of women. There are no yard measures, neatly divided into the fractions of an inch, that one can lay against the qualities of a good mother or the devotion of a daughter, or the fidelity of a sister, or the capacity of a housekeeper.(p127) 3. For we have too much likeness as it is, and if an explorer should come back and bring word of other sexes looking through the branches of other trees at other skies, nothing would be of greater service to humanity;(p131)


#20230419 预计阅读:133-143 实际阅读:133-140 难忘的表述: 1. Nothing remains of it all. All has vanished. No biography or history has a word to say about it. And the novels, without meaning to, inevitably lie.(p133) 2. For there is a spot the size of a shilling at the back of the head which one can never see for oneself. It is one of the good offices that sex can discharge for sex – to describe that spot the size of a shilling at the back of the head.(p134) 3. she wrote as a woman, but as a woman who has forgotten that she is a woman, so that her pages were full of that curious sexual quality which comes only when sex is unconscious of itself.(p138)


#20230420打卡 预计阅读:p140-150 实际阅读:p140-155 难忘的表述: 1. The mind is certainly a very mysterious organ, I reflected, drawing my head in from the window, about which nothing whatever is known, though we depend upon it so completely.(p145) 2. He is protesting against the equality of the other sex by asserting his own superiority.(p151) 3. And when a book lacks suggestive power, however hard it hits the surface of the mind it cannot penetrate within.(p153) 4. …much of what I have said in obedience to my promise to give you the course of my thoughts will seem out of date; much of what flames in my eyes will seem dubious to you who have not yet come of age.(p155) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230421 预计阅读:156-166 实际阅读:读完 难忘的表述:(见下图) 提交人:一只桃纸 1. It may seem a brutal thing to say, and it is a sad thing to say: but, as a matter of hard fact, the theory that poetical genius bloweth where it listeth, and equally in poor and rich, holds little truth.(p159) 2. Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time. Women have had less intellectual freedom than the sons of Athenian slaves.(p160) 3. By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.(p162) 4. So that when I ask you to earn money and have a room of your own, I am asking you to live in the presence of reality, an invigorating life, it would appear, whether one can impart it or not.(p164) 5. I should implore you to remember your responsibilities, to be higher, more spiritual; I should remind, you how much depends upon you, and what an influence you can exert upon the future.(p164) 6. I find myself saying briefly and prosaically that it is much more important to be oneself than anything else. Do not dream of influencing other people, I would say, if I knew how to make it sound exalted. Think of things in themselves.(p164) 7. When you reflect upon these immense privileges and the length of time during which they have been enjoyed, and the fact that there must be at this moment some two thousand women capable of earning over five hundred a year in one way or another, you will agree that the excuse of lack of opportunity, training, encouragement, leisure and money no longer holds good.(p167)
