

Kenneth Grahame


ISBN:9781509827930 作者:Kenneth Grahame 出版社: Pan MacMillan 出版时间:2017-3 阅读时间:2023.7.10~7.18 编号:502

本书讲述鼹鼠、水鼠、獾、蛤蟆以及其他小动物在河岸边和树林里,满满乡村风情和友谊互助的生活故事。 开篇是鼹鼠的大扫除,在外出放风的时候遇到了之后会成为好朋友的鼹鼠,不断的接触后爱上了泥土之上的生活——闲适、自在而有趣。在水鼠的介绍下,鼹鼠接着认识了獾和蛤蟆。每个小动物都有自己的性格和性情,好脾气、任劳任怨的鼹鼠;善心有计划的水鼠;可靠又威严的獾。而蛤蟆,无疑是这个故事里令人印象最深的角色,它狂妄自大、爱好吹嘘,喜好冒险,对朋友好意的规劝当作麻烦,这样一个令人生厌的角色却被它的朋友爱护和保护,有时也会为它的朋友感到愤愤不平哈哈。 除了角色鲜明生动外,本书的环境描写堪称一绝,语言流畅、用词讲究,单单从文字描述上就能带给读者一片绮丽的风光,让人流连。但是对于阅读和翻译的要求也变得很高,人物间的对话我基本能看懂七七八八,但是一旦涉及到景色的描写,可能就只剩四五成了。梅静的翻译很强,基本能把故事的韵味都译出来了,不过有一些感受是只有阅读原文的时候才能得到的,这一点我就很羡慕那些词汇量充足且对阅读外文没有障碍的人了,或者通过不断地坚持,我也总有这么一天?哈哈。


#20230801 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p1-15 实际阅读:p1-29 难忘的表述: 1. Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.(p11)

  1. Hither and thither through the meadows he rambled busily, along the hedgerows, across the copses, finding everywhere birds building, flowers budding, leaves thrusting – everything happy, and progressive, and occupied.(p12)

  2. After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working.(p14)

  3. When tired at last, he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea.(p14)

  4. Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in paricular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not.(p17)

  5. The Mole never heard a word he was saying. Absorbed in the new life he was entering upon, intoxicated with the sparkle, the ripple, the scents and the sounds and the sunlight, he trailed a paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams.(p18)

  6. The Rat hummed a tune, and the Mole recollected that animal – etiquetle forbade any sort of comment on the sudden disappearance of one's friends at any moment, for any reason or no reason whatever.(p26)

  7. This day was only the first of many similar ones for the emancipated Mole, each of them longer and fuller of interest as the ripening summer noved onward. He learnt to swim and to row, and entered into the joy of running water; and with his ear to the reed-stems he caught, at intervals, something of what the wind went whispering so constantly among them.(p29)

感想:景物的描写真的好好呀,我也想荡在小船上~~ 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230802 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p30-45 实际阅读:p30-35 难忘的表述: 1. Why can't fellows be allowed to do what they like when they like and as they like, instead of other fellows sitting on banks and watching them all the time and making remarks and poetry and things about them? What nonsense it all is?(p31)

  1. The open road, the dusty highway, the heath, the common, the hederows, the rolling downs! Camps, villages, towns, cities! Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interset, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that's always changing!(p34)


#20230803 阅读打卡 预计阅读:p36-40 实际阅读:p36-45 难忘的表述: 1. Toad talked big about all he was going to do in the days to come, while stars grew fuller and larger all around them, and a yellow moon, appearing suddenly and silently from nowhere in particular, came to keep them company and listen to their talk.(p37) 2. The sooner we make a start the better.(p43) 感想:第二章画面感也很强,三人欢快的旅行变成了这样意料不及的样子。Toad的行为的确很小孩子,不过有钱可以造哈哈。我也要开始旅行模式了,争取每天看一点点。


#20230804打卡 预计阅读:p46-50 实际阅读:p46-58 难忘的表述: 1. So many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the tomorrow.(p49) 2. Copses, dells, quarries and all hidden places, which had been mysterious mines for exploration in leafy summer, now exposed themselves and their secrets pathetically, and seemed to ask him to overlook their shabby poverty for a while…(p49) 3. Everything was very still now. The dusk advanced on him steadily, rapidly, gathering in behind and before; and the light seemed to be draining away like flood-water.(p50) 4. There seemed to be no end to this wood, and no beginning, and no difference in it, and, worst of all,no way out.(p57) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230805打卡 预计阅读:p59-65 实际阅读:p59-67 难忘的表述: He sat in his armchair at the head of the table, and nodded gravely at intervals as the animals told their story; and he did not seem surprised or shocked at anything, and he never said, 'I told you so, ' or, ' Just what I always said, ' or remarked that they ought to have done so-and-so, or ought not to have done something else.The Mole began to feel very friendly towards him.(p66) 感想:獾出场给人的印象还不错呀。敲开门的时候本来很气愤,一听到朋友的声音立即变脸,也好好玩。



预计阅读:p68-75 实际阅读:p68-80 难忘的表述: You're entirely your own master, and you don't have to consult anybody or mind what they say. Things go on all the same over-head, and you let 'em, and don't bother about 'em. When you want to, up you go, and there the things are, waiting for you.(p74)


#20230807打卡 预计阅读:p81-85 实际阅读:p81-99 难忘的表述: 1. I know it's a – shabby, dingy little place, he sobbed forth at last, brokenly: not like – your cosy quarters – or Toad's beautiful hall – or Badger's great house – but it was my own little home – and I was fond of it.(p87) 2. Rouse yourself! pull yourself together, and come with me and forage.(p91) 3. But it was good to think he had this to come back to, this place which was all his own, these things which were so glad to see him again and could always be counted upon for the same simple welcome.(p99)

感想:即使再小再破,也是一个可以回去的家呀。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230808打卡 未读打卡 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230809打卡 预计阅读:p100-110 实际阅读:p100-108 难忘的表述: 1. It was a bright morning in the early part of summer; the river had resumed its wonted banks and its accustomed pace, and a hot sun seemed to be pulling everything green and bushy and spiky up out of the earth towards him…(p100) 2. Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all across the road and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger.(p102) 3. Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached. (p103) 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230810打卡 预计阅读:p109-119 实际阅读:p109-129 难忘的表述: 1. Though it was past ten o'clock at night, the sky still clung to and retained some lingering skirts of light from the departed day; and the sullen heats of the torrid afternoon broke up and rolled away at the dispersing touch of the cool fingers of the short midsummer night.(p116) 2. The line of the horizon was clear and hard against the sky, and in one particular quarter it showed black against a silvery climbing phosphorescence that grew and grew.…once more they began to see surfaces—meadows wide-spread, and quiet gardens, and the river itself from bank to bank, all softly disclosed, all washed clean of mystery and terror, all radiant again as by day, but with a difference that was tremendous. (p119) 3. As one wakened suddenly from a beautiful dream, who struggles to recall it, and can recapture nothing but a dim sense of the beauty of it, the beauty! (p126) 感想:这一段找人的景色太美啦!另外,美梦醒来总是想要回味哈哈。 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230811打卡 实际阅读:p130-137 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230812打卡 实际阅读:p138-146 感想:蛤蟆逃脱这一段看得我血压有点高了,这蛤蟆性格真不讨喜呀,受人恩惠还各种嫌弃,没有能力又狂妄自大,除了认错速度快(认了但不改)还有啥优点? 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230813打卡 预计阅读:p147-155 实际阅读:p147-159 难忘的表述: 1. Nature's Grand Hotel has its Season, like the others. As the guests one by one pack, pay, and depart, and the seats at the table-d'hôte shrink pitifully at each succeeding meal; as suites of rooms are closed, carpets taken up, and waiters sent away…(p148) 2. We hunger to inquire of each other, to compare notes and assure ourselves that it was all really true, as one by one the scents and sounds and names of long-forgotten places come gradually back and beckon to us.(p152) 3. to-day, the unseen was everything, the unknown the only real fact of life.(p154) 4. Tell me something of your coasting, then, if you have a mind to, and what sort of harvest an animal of spirit might hope to bring home from it to warm his latter days with gallant memories by the fireside.(p158)


#20230814打卡 预计阅读:p160-165 实际阅读:p160-189 难忘的表述: 1. I've an idea that you'll feel a lot better when you've got something jotted down.(p168) 2. It is all very well, when you have a light heart, and a clear conscience, and money in your pocket, and nobody scouring the country for you to drag you off to prison again, to follow where the road beckons and points, not caring whither. (p170)

感想:蛤蟆真的是记吃不记打呀,服了呀,一路上将他人的善意踩在脚底,惹是生非还沾沾自喜,在懊恼后悔和洋洋得意之间反复横跳…果然是需要看医生啊哈哈哈 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230815打卡 预计阅读:p190-200 实际阅读:p190-201 难忘的表述: 1. Now, Toady, I don't want to give you pain, after all you've been through already; but, seriously, don't you see what an awful ass you've been making of yourself?…When are you going to be sensible and think of your friends, and try and be a credit to them? (p192) 2. You don’t deserve to have such true and loyal friends, Toad, you don’t, really. Someday, when it’s too late, you‘ll be sorry you didn’t value them more while you had them!(p199) 感想:水鼠说得真的太好了!蛤蟆你就不值得! 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230816打卡 预计阅读:p202-212 实际阅读:p202-220 难忘的表述: Don‘t pretend to be stupider than you really are.(p219) 哈哈哈,这句话真的笑死我,“你已经够傻的了,不要再装得更傻了”哈哈哈哈 提交人:一只桃纸

#20230817打卡 预计阅读:p221-230 实际阅读:读完~ 感想:不靠惹祸乖张,正常表现即可获得他人的注意,蛤蟆仔领悟得太晚啦。英文版的后记写得好,中文版的译后记也写得好哈哈。 提交人:一只桃纸