



ISBN:9781398510890 作者:SARAH ANN JUCKES 出版社:Simon & Schuster 出版时间:2022 阅读时间:2024.2.1~2.7 编号:516

故事的主角是一个小男孩,他跟他姐姐的感情很好,姐姐教了他许多自然界中鸟类的知识,经常两人还作伴外出感受大自然。 但这一次姐姐并未能如约回家,父母表情悲伤地对他说:“姐姐去了一个better place”,而且这一年也没有夜莺到家的花园里唱歌。小男孩Jasper觉得姐姐肯定去了夜莺在的地方,他决定独自上路寻找夜莺和自己的姐姐。

路途中他首先遇到的是比他大一点的小女孩。Jasper帮其找到了丢失的狗,也被这个女孩鼓励要勇敢地向他人打招呼。 第二个碰到的人是一个农场的主人,Jasper帮她找到了鸟儿脚牌的位置,而牛场的主人也带Jasper穿越牛场,克服了对牛的恐惧。 第三个碰到的人是和他差不多年纪的小男孩。Jasper帮他找到了丢失的足球,这个人教jasper如何缓解焦虑。 第四个人是一个上了年纪的老人家,他教导他最勇敢的人会直面真相,可是Jasper不愿意相信姐姐有可能不在了。直到去到目的地只有夜莺,却不见姐姐的踪影,终于从找来的父母口中得知姐姐因车祸已经不在。




#20240201打卡 预计阅读:p1-18 实际阅读:p1-28 难忘的表述: 1. But the sun is all the way down now. And there's no Rosie next to me. There's no nightingale to listen to. All I can hear is silence.(p2) 2. It's the map of my brain, and it's filled with feathers and facts about how to find different types of birds. And when I read it, thoughts about birds take over the whole worry and I don't feel so bad anymore.(p8) (每个人都有自己喜欢的、认为很重要的事物,只要一想起这些东西,心情就能平静下来。) 3. 'Rosie has gone to a better place.' It should have been a nice thing to hear, but it was confusing. What place could possibly be better than sitting in our tree, listening to our nightingale? I am her better place.(p11) 4. When you lose something you love, you do everything you can to find it.(p25) 感想:感染力很强,画面感很足的故事。在小孩子的角度,虽然也会感到难过,可是他对待不幸的视角和大人不一样,有自己的一套思维逻辑——姐姐不见了很伤心,但我可以去找。 暂时来看阅读难度不是很高,每一章大概一两个生词。

#20240202打卡 预计阅读:p29-47 实际阅读:p29-53 难忘的表述: It's funny, isn't it, how some things can be lost, but not that far away at all.(p48) 感想:小男孩真的好勇敢,虽然经常恐慌,但真遇到事情还是靠得住。对姐姐的爱鼓舞着他继续上路。

#20240203打卡 预计阅读:p54-72 实际阅读:p54-77 难忘的表述: 1. Madge nudges me. 'Looks like this field has taken something from you too, Jasper.' I look up at her and she smiles. 'Your fear.'(p72) 2. You've got to be brave if you want to find birds,Jasper.(p75) 感想:小男孩在这路上遇到的这两个人都很好,鼓励他克服心中的恐惧。我突然想到之前玩的一个游戏叫“第96号公路”,主角也是小孩,因为某种原因需要逃离家园,在一路上会由于选择不一样,碰到不同的人,了解各人的故事。我玩的过程中一直担心会碰到坏人(˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )希望这个故事里没有吧。

#20240204打卡 预计阅读:p78-96 实际阅读:p78-96 难忘的表述: 1. But nothing is ever as important as your health and well–being, you remember that.(p82) 2. Rosie is always there for me and listens to me. And now, I'm going to be there for her, too.(p85) 3. All life is life, Jasper. Just because one creature is small, it doesn't mean it's got any less right to be alive.(p95) 感想:姐姐教了很多自然的知识给小男孩。躲雨那段有点难受。

#20240205打卡 预计阅读:p97-115 实际阅读:p97-127 难忘的表述: 1. I suppose it's better to know, isn't it? Even if the thing that you need to know isn't very nice. At least now I can stop looking.(p126)

#20240206打卡 预计阅读:p128-146 实际阅读:p128-147 难忘的表述: 1. And it makes me laugh that I lost myself in the lost and found.(p134) 2. Things aren't lost. They are only ever in a different place. And I'm walking to that place with everything I have and I'm going to find nigutingale.(p146) 感想:变装这一段感觉有点刺激,我既想他不被发现,但又想他能够尽快回家。

#20240207打卡 预计阅读:p148-166 实际阅读:p148-202 难忘的表述: 1. Not everything is good at knowing when to accept help.(p155) 2. A man is as wise as his head, not his years.(p159) 3. He that conceals his grief will find no remedy for it. The bravest thing anyone can ever do is speak their truth.(p174) 4. A knife–wound heals, but a tongue-wound festers.(p186) 感想:差不多要到达终点了。

#20240208打卡 预计阅读:p203-221 实际阅读:p203-已完成 难忘的表述: 1. Soul birds fly away. But the people we love stay with us always.(p215) 2. There are some things that maybe you can't do alone, even when you're as used to looking after yourself as I am.(p216) 感想:看到最后姐姐问小男孩的问题,眼泪哗地留下来了。失去总是让人难受的,怎么接纳失去是人必经的课题。