【摘录】【翻译】对话拉康 Conversations with Lacan

最近刚读完的一本书,全名是“Conversations with Lacan: Seven Lectures for Understanding Lacan”。拉康相关的书已经读了十几本,这是唯一一本让我在学习之余还想大呼过瘾的。可能因为作者母语是意大利语的关系,他在句法和措辞上和英语母语的作者有着很明显的不同。而正是这种异质性,让我难以忽略那些古怪新奇的词汇和句式——不得不停下来查询词典或者反复品味,这在我读Fink时是完全不曾有过的。当然,比起写作手法,这本书最具魅力的莫过于其中


以下原文摘编自第一章和最后一章 :

Between 1967 and 1974 I followed the seminar of Jacques Lacan. I met Lacan several times in public situations, but I never considered going into analysis with him, for reasons I shall explain later.

The reader could rightly ask: “so, Benvenuto, are you or aren't you a Lacanian?”

In my youth I was a fervent Lacan fan. Then, after overcoming my transference with him, I stopped being one, and for me he was no longer the subject supposed to know. As we said, for Lacan transference occurs because the analyst is considered a subject supposed to know. But my “analysis” with Lacan ended long ago. Which is not to say that someone who has ended an analysis has necessarily been cured.

I'm not a Lacanian, but let's say that I love Lacan. Lacan himself said that we should love our symptom, and, indeed, I love Lacan as my symptom. But, as one does with a symptom, I keep at a necessary distance from him, with a sort of pain. Lacan is my joy and my pain. Lacan said, “Do as I do: don't imitate me.” In this case Lacan isn't very surprising; several masters in various fields have said very similar things. Apparently Marx said he wasn't a Marxist while Jung said “thank God, I'm Jung, and not a Jungian!” And so on, and so on. The master's refusal to be a “-ian” or an “-ist” of himself has become a sort of stereotype. And part of the very structure of “being a master” is a certain self-consoling contempt towards one's pupils, even the most loved ones. In any case, it's true that I am not a Lacanian precisely because I prefer to do as Lacan did: i.e. I also try to separate from my masters, including Lacan. I am a practical Lacanist, not a theoretical one.

—Conversations with Lacan (2020), Sergio Benvenuto



有读者可能会问我“那你到底是不是个拉康派呢,本韦努托?” 在我年轻的时候我曾是拉康的死忠粉,但随着我逐渐跨越了对他的这份移情,我也不再是以往那样了,对我来说他已经不再是那个知晓答案的主体了。正如我们所讨论过的,拉康式移情的产生源自分析师被当成了一个知晓答案的主体,而我与拉康之间的“分析”早已结束太久。不过,并不是说分析的结束就必然意味着痊愈。

我不是一个拉康派,但可以说我爱拉康。拉康亲口说过我们应该爱我们的症状,以及,诚然,我爱拉康作为我的症状。然而,作为人的一种症状,我必须与他保持好距离,并为此而痛苦。拉康既是我的享乐也是我的痛苦。 拉康说过“做我所做的事,但不要模仿我。”,他说出这样的话并不出乎意料——其他领域的诸多大师也说过类似的话。 显然马克思说过他不是马克思主义者,同样荣格也说过“谢天谢地我是荣格,而不是什么荣格派!”

等等,不一而足。And so on, and so on

——对话拉康 (2020), 塞尔吉奥·本韦努托


Table From ”Conversations with Lacan“, P. 127

Psychopathology Type of Negation
– Phobia
– Hysteria (Borderline Personality)
– Obsessional
REPRESSION (Verdrängung, Displacement)
– Fetishism–Masochism
– Sadism, Sadomasochism
– Voyeurism–Exhibitionism, Zoophilia, frotteurism, pedophilia, coprophilia
DISAVOWAL (Verleugnung)
– Persecution Delusion
– Megalomaniac Delusion
– Erotomania
– Jealousy Delusion (querulous paranoia)
FORECLOSURE (Verwerfung)
seizure of the Name-of-the-Father


精神病理/机能障碍 防御方式/防卫机制
– 恐怖/恐惧症
– 癔症/歇斯底里 (边缘型人格/BPD)
– 强迫症
– 恋物癖–受虐狂
– 施虐狂、施虐受虐狂
– 窥阴癖/窥视症–露阴癖/暴露狂
– 恋兽癖、摩擦癖、恋童癖、嗜粪癖
– 偏执狂
– 迫害妄想
– 自大狂妄想 (自恋型人格/NPD)
– 恋爱/被爱妄想
– 嫉妒妄想 (抱怨偏执)
– 精神分裂症
– 忧郁/躁郁症 (双相情感障碍/BD)

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