

  • 英文部分取自 INTERLUDE 4: Borrowing from the Future, Changing the Past, Slavoj Žižek, Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism
  • 中文部分取自《安提戈涅》第二、四场,《索福克勒斯悲剧集》罗念生 译

Zeus did not announce those laws to me. 向我宣布这法令的不是宙斯,

And Justice living with the gods below 那和下界神祇同住的正义之神

sent no such laws for men. I did not think 也没有为凡人制定这样的法令;我不认为

anything which you proclaimed strong enough 一个凡人下一道命令

to let a mortal override the gods 就能废除天神制定的

and their unwritten and unchanging laws. 永恒不变的不成文律条。

They're not just for today or yesterday, 它的存在不限于今日和昨日,

but exist forever, and no one knows 而是永久的,也没有人知道

where they first appeared. So I did not mean 它是什么时候出现的。我不会因为

to let a fear of any human will 害怕别人皱眉头而违背天条

lead to my punishment among the gods. 以致在神面前受到惩罚。

What law do I appeal to, claiming this? 我根据什么原则这样说呢?

If my husband died, I could marry another man, 丈夫死了,我可以再找一个;

If I were to lose my child, 孩子丢了,我可以靠别的男人再生一个;

I could have another one with a different man. 我可以和别的男人再生一个。

But since my father and mother 但如今,我的父母

are hidden away in Hades' house, 已埋葬在地下,

I will never have another living brother. 再也不能有一个弟弟生出来。

That was the law I used to honor you. 我就是根据这个原则向你致敬礼。

#文学 #希腊悲剧 #台词 #诗歌 #安提戈涅 #索福克勒斯 #双语 #齐泽克 #拉康 #精神分析